Monday 18 December 2017

Short Mats Bowling with the Brampton Lawn Bowling Club

The Brampton Lawn Bowling Club has been enjoying a very successful indoor season of short mats bowling at Century Gardens Recreation Centre on Vodden Street in Brampton.  This year's new day of Monday afternoons at 12:45 pm has proved very popular. 

For the New Year, short mats bowling will resume on Monday January 15th.  Plan on being in the gymnasium to register for the afternoon's bowling by 12:45pm.  All adults are welcome and it is open to non members of the Club also.  The Club supplies all the equipment or you can bring along your own outdoor lawn bowls.  Clean, flat soled shoes are needed.  Cost is $6.00 per afternoon which includes tea and cookies and prizes. 

Brampton Lawn Bowling Club is pleased to announce that the Club is now a member of the Canadian Short Mat Bowls Association (CSMBA).  Brampton Club members are now eligible to bowl in CSMBA events.  Check out the action at

Another local supporter of the CSMBA is the JJ Mat Bowling indoor bowling location in Etobicoke.  This location also provides short mats bowling and you can explore their venue and events at

Short mats bowling is a great sport which is gaining world wide popularity and can be played up to the international level.  Enjoy.

Holiday Greetings of the Season !

Holiday Greetings of the Season to all members of the Brampton Lawn Bowling Club and to all lawn bowling enthusiasts everywhere.

May you enjoy the peace and spirit of the Season with your families and friends and communities.

We look forward to a wonderful 2018 and wish everyone a very Happy New Year.

Just remember, only 4 short months until we will be out on the greens again !!

Brampton Lawn Bowling Club